Conference 2014
The Connected Enterprise – Cloud, Mobile, and the Internet of Things
Rome, Italy, December 2-3, 2014
Scheduled seminars
The New Integration Manifesto: Applications, Data, Cloud, Mobile, and the Internet of Things
October 27-28, 2014
Application Development in the Age of Cloud and Mobile
December 11-12, 2014
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
The success of your SOA depends on how you plan for the road ahead. Evolving from a grass roots approach for building services to an enterprise strategy to moving SOA into the cloud requires:
The maturity of an IT organization in terms of SOA obviously doesn’t just happen over night; it is rather the product of a transformation that should be guided by a SOA Roadmap.
The goal of a SOA Roadmap is to optimize the implementation of service based applications across current and planned projects and to guide the evolution of an IT organization through the stages of increasing SOA Maturity.
SOA Maturity is driven by a variety of objectives, including: